Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hello all. I'll cut to the chase. I'm hoping to learn to cook and bake better. To do so, I'm going to need a little accountability and a lot of help. Enter blog. I plan to use this to chronicle my cooking successes and failures in hopes of discovering what works and what doesn't. I will try out new recipes and techniques and let you know how it goes. You can then give me advice if you have it or just enjoy the entertainment value of my failures. The ultimate goal is to become one of those super cool cooks that can make up recipes and have them turn out edible (if not actually enjoyable). Wish me luck!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. by the way Mountain MDP is really Denita:
    Yay! We love cooking and have lots of great books- if you have anything in mind I could copy some recipes down for you!

  3. That sounds awesome, Denita! I'll let you know.
