Friday, January 2, 2015

The New Year and a Reboot

It is the beginning of 2015 and like most people, I have some goals.  I want to exercise more, read more, and communicate better with others. One of my goals is to revive my food blog.  I haven't used it a lot but as I look back over it, I am able to watch my journey as a cook.  It's kind of cool to be able to see the recipes I was trying in a particular point in our life.  It's also cool to see, after my son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies, that I was able to adapt and learn and still provide our family with nourishing and tasty meals. In restarting my blog I'm hoping to document and allow others to reenter my cooking journey as I embark on my next cooking adventure.

A little over a week ago, I was diagnosed with celiac sprue, otherwise know as celiac disease.  I will be heading to a dietician on Monday and then onto a gastroenterologist on Thursday so I hope to know much more about celiac disease after those appointments.  Until then, here's a summary of what I know about celiac disease.  It means that my body responds to any gluten (a protein in wheat, rye, barley) by attacking the lining of my small intestine.  I'm sure there is more nuance there and I fully intend to correct this information when I understand it more clearly. They treat this disorder, not with medication, but by eliminating gluten from the diet.  With a gluten-free diet, my gut should heal and my symptoms subside.  Unfortunately, this gluten-free diet must be followed for life because there is no known cure for celiac disease.

The entire concept of gluten-free for life is overwhelming.  I rarely eat Oreos but the concept of never eating an Oreo ever again is a little difficult to wrap my mind around. I really enjoy making and eating food.  My identity is wrapped up in being a person who really enjoys trying new recipes and prides herself on providing really good food to her family and guests.  Gluten-free seems to throw a wrench in that.  Over the last couple of years I've learned that I often express love for others by making them food.  Will I be able to continue that?  I'm uncertain but I hope so.

In the next few months and years, I hope to master this disorder.  I hope to find ways to adapt recipes I already love and find new recipes that my family and I can truly enjoy.  I hope to get to the point that gluten-free for life isn't such a big deal.  That's the goal and I hope to use this blog to get there.  So away we go!

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